Translation glossary: De<>En Medical

Showing entries 101-150 of 151
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NAD = no abnormalities discovered/detected *medical*keine Auffälligkeiten/unauffällig/Normalbefund/ohne Befund (oB) 
English to German
Nüchternblutfasting blood sample 
German to English
non-controlled pre-post designPrä-Post-Design ohne Kontrolle [ohne Kontroll-/Vergleichsgruppe] 
English to German
non-fusion, non-destructive, reversiblekeine Fusion, kein Substanzverlust, reversibel 
English to German
NOR (Normalinsulin)bolus insulin 
German to English
ODQ = on direct questioning *medical*auf direktes Befragen 
English to German
ophthalmic surgicalaugenchirurgisch; Augenchirurgie- 
English to German
English to German
over-the-counter product line(s)rezeptfreies Sortiment 
English to German
paravalvular leakageparavalvuläres Leck *Herzklappenimplantate* 
English to German
passagerer Schrittmacher (pass. SM)temporary pacemaker (PM) 
German to English
patient confidentialityPatientengeheimnis/Vertraulichkeit der Patientendaten 
English to German
performed as same-day or short-stay routinedurchführbar als ambulanter Eingriff oder mit kurzem stationärem Aufenthalt 
English to German
PF rep - pharma(ceutical) field representativePharmareferent / Pharma-Außendienstmitarbeiter 
English to German
pharmazeutische Durchdrückpackung(pharmaceutical) blister [blister pack] 
German to English
pneumoconiotic opacitiespneumokoniotische [durch Pneumokoniose verursachte/bedingte] Schatten 
English to German
positron emission tomography (PET)Positronenemissionstomographie / Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) 
English to German
powerTeststärke / Trennschärfe 
English to German
pressure waveDruckwelle 
English to German
Rückbildungsphase *EKG*repolarisation (phase) 
German to English
Re-Koro / Re-Koronarangiographiefollow-up coronary angiography 
German to English
reassessmenterneute Untersuchung / Folge-/Nachuntersuchung / (Wiedervorstellung zur) Kontrolluntersuchung 
English to German
reizlose Laparotomienarbenon-inflamed laparotomy scar / laparotomy scar without signs of inflammation [irritation] 
German to English
German to English
second-look surgerySecond-look-Operation / (diagnostische/r) Zweitoperation [Zweiteingriff] 
English to German
sentinel node biopsyWächterlymphknoten-Biopsie / Wächterlymphknotenbiopsie 
English to German
serial intervalserielles Intervall / Serienintervall 
English to German
sichtbar machento expose 
German to English
sinuscope handleSinuskopgriff [Sinuskop-Griff] 
English to German
Sonden-Oligonukleotidprobe oligonucleotide 
German to English
Sozialanamnese (SA) / persönliche Anamnese (PA) / Familienanamnese (FA)social history / personal history / family history 
German to English
statutory sick pay (SSP)gesetzliches Krankengeld/gesetzliche Lohnfortzahlung im Krankheitsfall 
English to German
step-up dosingDosiseskalation 
English to German   Medical: Pharmaceuticals
strenge Ind.-Stellung / Indikationsstellung(compliance with/application of) strict indication (guidelines) 
German to English
subdiseaseNebenerkrankung / Nebendiagnose 
English to German
surface plasmon resonance fluorescent immunoassayOberflächenplasmon(en)resonanz-Fluoreszenz-Immunoassay 
English to German
target tophusZieltophus 
English to German
Tests auf Spezifitätspecificity tests / testing 
German to English
Totalendoprothese (TEP)total endoprosthesis 
German to English
Umfließungsfigurbypass(ing) pattern 
German to English
unterlagerte Aktivitätunderlying activity 
German to English
usual clinical practicegängige/anerkannte/übliche/einschlägige klinische Praxis 
English to German
vegetative Entspannungautonomic relaxation 
German to English
Verfahren der mikrobiologischen Beherrschbarkeitmicrobiological controls / microbiological control processes [procedures] 
German to English
Verlaufsuntersuchungfollow-up examination / check-up 
German to English
Vesikuläratmen (VA)vesicular breathing 
German to English
VO2 = oxygen consumptionVO2 = Sauerstoffaufnahme(kapazität) 
English to German
Voraufnahmen (VA) mit Kontrastmittel (KM)previous contrast(-enhanced) images 
German to English
wasting of the shoulder girdle musclesSchwund [Abbau] der Schultergürtelmuskulatur 
English to German
weit die (Herz)spitze umgreifendwidely extending around the apex (of the heart) 
German to English
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