global directory of translation services
The translation workplace

POST: /pay/bulk

Create payment(s).

Share information for paying one person, payroll, batch, or individual.

Note that any payment may go through a compliance review and must follow all terms and conditions to be completed. Please contact [email protected] for confirmation on eligibility for using this feature.

Required authorization scope

When using OAuth2 access tokens, the pay.bulk or pay.all scope is required to submit a payment request. See scopes in the authentication guide for information about how to request this scope of authorization.


Pass the JSON representation of the BulkPayment as the POST data.

Example request

Here's an example of submitting a request using curl:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
    -d '{
      "business_id": 66802,
      "currency": "usd",
      "fees_handled_by": "business",
      "payment_method": "bank_transfer",
      "payments": [
          "amount": 40,
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "name": "John Doe",
          "payout_date": "2024-02-14T21:15:07.092Z",
          "notes": "Invoice2022"
    }' \


On success, a 201 Created HTTP status code will be returned, along with the created BulkPaymentResponse with status on true.

On error, a 403 Created HTTP status code will be returned, along with the created BulkPaymentResponse with a status on false and a string array errors.