Translation glossary: español/inglés - literio/linguístico

Showing entries 1-31 of 31
cátedraUniversity chair or field of study 
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convertirla en rima.(and the word) became rhyme 
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convertirla en rima.(and the word) became rhyme 
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convivía con su realidad cotidiana de frente al cinematógrafoshared their daily existence in front of the cameraman 
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country estatefinca campestre o finca de campo 
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dando jarabe de picotalking nonsense, wasting time with silly talk 
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de un peligroso que asustaof such a perilous nature that it is frightening 
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desde sus origenesfrom its beginnings; from its foundation; from its earliest days 
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el aliento como el de un dragonvery bad breath; dragon breath 
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el arbol le impide ver el bosqueCan't see the forest for the trees (US); can't see the wood (UK) 
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el arbol le impide ver el bosqueCan't see the forest for the trees (US); ... the wood for the trees (UK) 
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El vino abre las puertas con asombro y en el refugio de los meses vuelca su cuerpo de empapadas alas rojaswine opens the doors in wide amazement, and in the refuge of the months its body of soaked and reddened wings does fly. 
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Estructuración agraria y obrajera de la economía colonial (1565-1700)agrarian and textile organization in colonial economy 
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hecho salvíficosalvation event 
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heterónimoliterary heteronym, fictitious personality, alter ego 
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joya turísticagem of a tourist attraction/touristic pearl/crown jewel 
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libros de caballeríasbooks on chivalry 
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los eventos de la noche empezaban a difuminarse en su mente como un sueño de amathe night's events began to blur in his mind as a dream 
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manijeo / manijasomanipulation/exaggeration/demagoguery 
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miedo que el señor presidente le causaba a los oficialesthe terror the president inspired /instilled in all the well-educated officers 
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mundializacióninternationalizing, universalization, the global village concept, planetarization. 
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no me pares boladon't mind me; don't pay attention to me; disregard what I'm saying 
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patotero / patoterismohoodlum/gangster/adolescent gangsterism 
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Plaza de la Ceiba AcostadaPlaza of the reclining Ceiba (Sleeping) 
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procesos de superación “por arriba”the processes of improvement, above and beyond (the strictly national level) 
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reveladaits nature of being (divinely) revealed 
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sacar de la clandestinidadbringing out from the realm of secrecy, or bringing out into the open, creating transparency 
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tantear/tanteadorasfeel her way, sound out and translate/puzzle out/puzzle solvers 
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TENDRÉ QUE REVIVIR UN MUERTOI'll have to climb hurdles; I'll have to do the impossible; I'll have to eat nails... 
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tiene la rémorathe hindrance caused by 
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