translation contests »
Mini-contest 2012: "Yogi Berra Quotes" » English to Serbian

Competition in this pair is now closed, and the winning entry has been announced.

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Source text in English

There were 18 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase.

Entries submitted in this pair were rated on a per-segment basis. Listed below are all submitted translations of each individual source text segment.

Submitted segment translations

Translations submitted for each source text segment are listed below. Segments have had surrounding punctuation stripped, and the resulting identical segments have been grouped together, so each listed translation should differ, but the difference may be subtle (eg. internal punctuation or diacritics).

Viewing segment # out of 14

Source text segment #1

- "I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."
Rank by:
+111 | -3
It's [supposedly] humorous because if you were to give your right arm, you could no longer be ambidextrous.
+33 | -2
A somewhat dull oxymoron. Another one of this kind would be "I'd die for the chance of living that moment."
+27 | -1
He is/was a baseballer. Ability to throw/catch with both arms is an obvious advantage. THe paradox of losing one arm to be able to keep using both is what makes this funny
+22 | -1
He would pay any price (idiom -give his right arm) to fulfil his wish of being ambidextrous - he ends up in oxymoron, which is funny.
+24 | -13
Being ambidextrous (as opposed to strongly right or left-handed) would solve a lot of problems (e.g. cutting fingernails). "I'd give my right arm to..." is an idiomatic expression meaning to want something very much.
+8 | -1
to give the right arm means "to pay any price for something", ironically in this case, for being ambidextrous (to be able to use both hands equally well)
[Edited] +5 | -1
I would give my right arm (= I'd do absolutely anything) to be able to use both hands with equal facility.
+6 | -2
A set expression: "I'd give my right arm to {whatever}". Once again, Yogi comes up with something funny to plug in. (By the way, the desire to be ambidextrous is common among baseball players.)
+3 | -1
In baseball been ambidextrous as I am, is a privilege among the baseball players, so is a good translation for this or any sport, due to the big advantages of using both arms and have the same strength, and abilities to throw or bat.
We shall forever remember him.

Translations of this segment (17 total; 17 unique)

Dao bih svoju desnu ruku da budem ambidekster
Dao bih desnu ruku da mogu da pišem sa obe ruke
Дао бих десну руку, како бих вешто баратао левом и десном руком
Дао бих своју десну руку само да радим оберучке
Dao bih svoju desnu ruku da mogu da pišem obema
Dao bih desnu ruku samo da mogu podjednako da se služim obema rukama
Ruku bih dao da mogu sa obe da pišem
Дао бих десну руку да могу да хватам левом као и десном
Dao bih i desni obraz da mogu da budem dvoličan
Дао бих своју десну руку да могу да пишем са обе руке
Kladim se levu ruku, da mogu da pišem sa obe ruke
Dao bih desnu ruku da mogu da koristim obe ruke
Дао бих десну руку да постанем амбидекстер
Dao bih levo oko da ne budem kratkovidan
Kladim se da je varljivo
Дао бих десну руку да будем дешњак у обе
Dao bih svojy desnu ruku samo da budem spretan

Viewing segment # out of 14