Nancy Grimes
Initiator des Themas: Sara Marques
Sara Marques
Sara Marques
Local time: 07:45
Mitglied (2012)
Portugiesisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Oct 25, 2012

This woman has already been mentioned before in this forum, as you may see below, but I think it's important to give more relevance to this issue.



J'ai été contactée il y a deux semaines pour un projet plutôt conséquent, surtout pour moi qui débute et qui ai un peu de mal à recruter des clients.
La personne semblait honnête et j'avoue que mon enthousiasme m'a légèrement aveuglée sur les premiers mails. J'ai finalement compris l'arnaque ce matin. Je reçois un mail de la personne qui me confirme que le paiement de l'intégralité de la traduction, et même plus, est parti par la poste. Elle m'indiquera quoi faire de l'excédent, me dit-elle. Et là, après quelques recherches, je tombe sur ce forum. J'avais bien imaginé l'arnaque du chèque en bois, car il m'est arrivé la même chose avec une voiture.
Bref, cette personne s'appelle Nancy Grimes et elle poste des appels d'offres sur le site Translatorsbase.

J'espère que mon mail aura éclairé ceux qui, comme moi, ont répondu à l'annonce de ces escrocs.

The exact same thing happened to me. I sent a bid on a project posted by a woman supposedly named Nancy Grimes at On the same day, I got a reply from her, saying that she wanted me to do the job. This was her answer:

Hello, Kindly forward your CV to [email protected] Regards, Nancy Grimes.

As she requested, I sent my CV and then she sent me the following email:

Dear Sara,

How are you doing today?fine i presumed.I ought to have get back to you earlier than this time,it was due to normal circumstances.

I will want you to take a look at this project,is it what you capable of doing?.I have a lot of projects at hand,this is one of it and the way you handle it will determine if you would be choose later on for another project.

I will like to know you charges per word? and the total cost in Euros? How long will it take to finish the project? The deadline set for it December 31st. What is the country of your current residence?

I will be waiting to hear from you soon,


Nancy Grimes

So, I sent her everything she asked for and answered all her questions. After that, she said:

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your email, your trust is also outstanding in the returned email. I agree in making payment upfront as you preferred.I will suggest that 30% is made first, at the middle of the work you have another payment and then you have balance at the end of work. I believe that is reasonable enough for both parties. I am making arrangement with my partner on the payment so please let me know where you stand.

However, I work on short time business still working on strong capital but we all start somewhere.I live in France but currently in Indiana,USA for a summit.

Now i guess you have an idea of the woman you about to start work with. The delivery date is negotiable but must be before December 31st, 2012.

In your return email, please be inform that my client as choose method of payment for me to go with and i will like you to consider it as my payment method. She will make
part payment with BANK DRAFT that clears almost immediately upon presentation at your financial institution. Its an instant cash at any bank of your choice over there, if you will go with me on that please provide me the following for part payment.

Full Name
Full address
city, state, zip code
Direct phone number.

I hope you understand the situation here and comply with the method. I hope to read from you soonest. Please assure you will start the project as soon as possible and confirm the date you likely to complete it

Nancy Grimes

As you can see, whoever did this was shameless enough to urge you to start working on the project right away (which, unfortunately, I did) and made everything look formal enough by asking for data for a suppose bank draft. My guess is that it was this data that she was looking for.

This was her next email:

Dear Sara,

Okay,thanks for the details provided. I will let you know as soon as my associate made out the payment so you keep an eye on your mailbox and please confirm the delivery.I really appreciate your effort towards making it a successful one and hope doing more with you in future and kindly go ahead with the project as soon as possible.I do believe we have much time as regards this project so you have much time to do quality job and proofread as well as i wouldn't want you to rush my job for anything else.

Have a brighter day ahead,

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation,

Nancy Grimes

Who wouldn't want a client like this, right? After this, she never said anything again and I began to worry that something was wrong, so I sent her an email asking what was happening because I still hadn't received any payment and the translation was already underway. This was her answer (given two weeks later):

Dear Sara,

The payment has been issued and mailed so you will get it any moment from now,you have nothing to worry about.I will like you to contimue the project as soon as possible.

Thank You.

Nancy Grimes

Three days later she said:

Dear Sara,

I am glad to inform you that i have received confirmation from my associate that payment has been mailed out by post. I asked her to issue the total cost to pay ahead of job as agreed earlier but unfortunately my associate mailed out my the entire payment with her which she owes me.Please you are advise, confirm to me as soon as you receive the payment,the amount and go ahead and deposit it at your bank and let me know when it will be credited to your account.

I will provide you with how to go about the excess funds. I honestly look forward to a fruitful and building a long business relationship.You will receive the payment any moment from now and do make sure you continue with the project as soon as possible to avoid further delay.I have other projects pending which i will want you to handle but lets do it one after the other.

Thanks for your understanding and co-operation,


Nancy Grimes

And this email, sent on the 5th of October, was the last I have ever heard from her. I had already translated 10 pages and refused other jobs, as she had advised, in order to assure the quality of this one. So the point of all this is that even the nicest emails and the nicest people can sometimes scam you. Be very careful with this person or with emails with similar content as these I have now exposed. And if anyone else was scammed or knows anything about this, please let of us know.

Malika El khadhri
Malika El khadhri  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:45
Mitglied (2012)
Französisch > Arabisch
+ ...
i was contacted by the same person Oct 29, 2012

Two monthes ago, i was contacted by the same woman. The difference that i had doubt about her from the beginning as she mentonned in her e-mail that she was a disabled woman-which seems little bit strange for me that a client mentions something like this - but what make me sure that she's a scammer is the content of the texts to be translated. In fact the text dealt with speeches of Luther King and Abraham Lincoln, that we can find them already translated in many languages.
... See more
Two monthes ago, i was contacted by the same woman. The difference that i had doubt about her from the beginning as she mentonned in her e-mail that she was a disabled woman-which seems little bit strange for me that a client mentions something like this - but what make me sure that she's a scammer is the content of the texts to be translated. In fact the text dealt with speeches of Luther King and Abraham Lincoln, that we can find them already translated in many languages.
So i decide not to do the job and i sent her an e-mail saying that i can't accept the mean of payment that she had mentioned in her e-mail. From that time, she has never contacted me.

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Mitglied (2006)
Englisch > Spanisch
Always know who you are dealing with Oct 29, 2012

Sara Araújo wrote:

And this email, sent on the 5th of October, was the last I have ever heard from her. I had already translated 10 pages and refused other jobs, as she had advised, in order to assure the quality of this one. So the point of all this is that even the nicest emails and the nicest people can sometimes scam you. Be very careful with this person or with emails with similar content as these I have now exposed. And if anyone else was scammed or knows anything about this, please let of us know.

When approached by a stranger with a business proposition your may discard it on the spot or decide to investigate it further. In this case you should always ask for verifiable contact information and then verify it. You need to really know who the other person is. At this point scammers will go away and leave you alone.

To better protect yourself against scammers you should have a look at's scam alert reports. members can subscribe to this service to receive via email each alert and/or a weekly digest.

Kind regards,

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:45
Mitglied (2006)
Englisch > Afrikaans
+ ...
Unhelpful advice Nov 2, 2012

Enrique Cavalitto wrote:
When approached by a stranger with a business proposition ... you should always ask for verifiable contact information and then verify it.

I don't think that having asked for verifiable contact information would have saved the original poster from being scammed. Besides, the scammer says that she normally lives in France but is currently at a summit in the US. This means that even if she did give address information (including a fake French telephone number that forwards to a realistic sounding answering service), the original poster could not have verified it, and she would not have expected to be able to.

There is something to be said about verifying the contact, but it would be more helpful to explain what methods one should use to do so.

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:45
Mitglied (2006)
Englisch > Spanisch
Most helpful advise Nov 2, 2012

Samuel Murray wrote:

Enrique Cavalitto wrote:
When approached by a stranger with a business proposition ... you should always ask for verifiable contact information and then verify it.

I don't think that having asked for verifiable contact information would have saved the original poster from being scammed. Besides, the scammer says that she normally lives in France but is currently at a summit in the US. This means that even if she did give address information (including a fake French telephone number that forwards to a realistic sounding answering service), the original poster could not have verified it, and she would not have expected to be able to.

There is something to be said about verifying the contact, but it would be more helpful to explain what methods one should use to do so.

Hi Samuel,

Scammer are criminals, they will not share they real contact information. They will create a false "personality" and will resort to all kind of devices to make you believe in it. As long as you let this happen, you are in a disadvantage, as the scammers know you and you don't know them.

The first risk management rule is clearly to eliminate this unbalance. You should know who you are talking about and you are entitled to get this information, and an honest customer should understand this need.

When you ask for verifiable contact information many scammers will just vanish. You could also get the many reasons why this information can't be provided, but then your risk alarms should start blinking.

The client could be real and the reasons presented could be true, but at least you should be aware that a risk has been identified.

After this point you may decide to take the job or to decline it. I would most certainly do the latter, but each professional is responsible for his/her own risk management and decisions.

Verifying the contact information is not that hard in this era of globally available information.

You can look for the client's website, if there is any, and look there for the contact information, and for instance check that the email you received belong to the same dominion (what you get after "@" in the corporate email addresses).
* Free addresses used by a client with a corporate address? Red lights!
* Spelling difference in the email received and the corporate one? Red lights!
* If the web page has a phone number, call it for confirmation
* Google all the information you got from the client (name, address, phone numbers, maps)

Remember that the burden of proof falls on the "client". This is your risk management and all you need is to find enough information to help you make a decision. You don't need evidence that the other person is a scammer, all you need is enough data to take a job or to decline it.


Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 08:45
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Withholding verifiable information Nov 2, 2012

Enrique Cavalitto wrote:

The client could be real and the reasons presented could be true, but at least you should be aware that a risk has been identified.

This situation happened to me just recently; a potential customer wanted me to agree to a job without wanting to divulge their contact information.

I explained that unfortunately that was a sine qua non for us to be able to even start doing business, and explained the problem with scammers. The customer immediately wrote back, understood my position, and gave me the requested details, which I was easily able to check out.

In another case recently, I received a very sloppy and unprofessional request from someone who I instinctively suspected was a scammer; however, I was able to check out the one piece of information proffered, and it did in fact turn out to be genuine — just shows how it is possible to be wrong in this situation!

Sara Marques
Sara Marques
Local time: 07:45
Mitglied (2012)
Portugiesisch > Spanisch
+ ...
I'm trying to trap her Nov 2, 2012

I'm trying to trap her now.
Recently, I have received an obvious fake check from HSBC, without even no sender name, as you can see:

Now, I'm trying to get some real data from her (or him... whatever...), like bank account or something (I'm not very confident about this, but anyway... Lets give it a try:)

Here the complete list of emails, includin
... See more
I'm trying to trap her now.
Recently, I have received an obvious fake check from HSBC, without even no sender name, as you can see:

Now, I'm trying to get some real data from her (or him... whatever...), like bank account or something (I'm not very confident about this, but anyway... Lets give it a try:)

Here the complete list of emails, including the most recent ones:

Good Afternoon Nancy,

I’ve received and deposit the check, and it was credited immediately on my account.

Please send me your Bank Account Number and your address, so I can return the excess amount.
Please also send to me your phone number, so if I have a problem, I can contact you immediately.

The translation is almost done!

Best regards,

Sara Araújo

De: Nancy Grimes [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada: sexta-feira, 2 de Novembro de 2012 15:00
Para: Sara Araújo
Assunto: Re: URGENT! Please give me some news about translation

Dear Sara,

Once you received the money,kindly take it your bank and cash or deposit it as soon as possible and keep me posted so we could proceed as i urgently need the excess funds to meet with a project of mine.


Nancy Grimes

De: Nancy Grimes [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada: quinta-feira, 1 de Novembro de 2012 09:03
Para: Sara Araújo
Assunto: Re: URGENT! Please give me some news about translation





De: Nancy Grimes [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada: segunda-feira, 29 de Outubro de 2012 09:02
Para: Sara Araújo

Dear Sara,

How are you doing today?hope fine.I ought to have write back earlier than this time but it was due to unforeseen circumstances.I lost someone to due to an accident and i'm not myself ever since then. However,be rest assured you will be receiving the payment this week and make sure you take it to your bank and deposit as soon as posible and let me know when the money will be credited to your account so we can proceed from there.I believe the project is going on smoothly and when likely do you think you will complete the project?

I hope understand?

Best regards,

Nancy Grimes

From: Sara Araújo
To: 'Nancy Grimes'
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:33 PM
Subject: URGENT! Please give me some news about translation

Good Afternoon Nancy,

I’m terribly sorry to bother you again, but there is an important issue that I would like to speak to you about. As you may recall, it has been almost three weeks since I have last heard from you. In that email, you told me that payment had already been issued and that I should receive something in my mailbox. However, as of today, that still hasn’t happened, which makes me a little worried. It would be wonderful if you could send me any type of guarantee that the money has been sent, because, as you may understand, I am in a very delicate situation and I don’t know whether I should leave the translation or carry on because I don’t know if the project is still going at all, and I have translated more than half of the document!

The last thing I want is to delay this job or doubt your word, but I’m in a really difficult situation right now and I need some type of assurance that the project is going as it should and at what stage is the payment.

I hope you may understand. I’ll be waiting for your answer.

Best Regards,

Sara Araújo

De: Sara Araújo []
Enviada: quinta-feira, 18 de Outubro de 2012 13:43
Para: 'Nancy Grimes'

Good Afternoon Nancy,

I’m terribly sorry to bother you again, but there is an important issue that I would like to speak to you about. As you may recall, it has been almost two weeks since I have last heard from you. In that email, you told me that payment had already been issued and that I should receive something in my mailbox. However, as of today, that still hasn’t happened, which makes me a little worried. It would be wonderful if you could send me any type of guarantee that the money has been sent, because, as you may understand, I am in a very delicate situation and I don’t know whether I should leave the translation or carry on because I don’t know if the project is still going at all.

The last thing I want is to delay this job or doubt your word, but I’m in a really difficult situation right now and I need some type of assurance that the project is going as it should and at what stage is the payment.

I hope you may understand. I’ll be waiting for your answer.

Best Regards,

Sara Araújo

De: Nancy Grimes [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada: sexta-feira, 5 de Outubro de 2012 08:08
Para: Sara Araújo

Dear Sara,

I am glad to inform you that i have received confirmation from my associate that payment has been mailed out by post. I asked her to issue the total cost to pay ahead of job as agreed earlier but unfortunately my associate mailed out my the entire payment with her which she owes me.Please you are advise, confirm to me as soon as you receive the payment,the amount and go ahead and deposit it at your bank and let me know when it will be credited to your account.

I will provide you with how to go about the excess funds. I honestly look forward to a fruitful and building a long business relationship.You will receive the payment any moment from now and do make sure you continue with the project as soon as possible to avoid further delay.I have other projects pending which i will want you to handle but lets do it one after the other.

Thanks for your understanding and co-operation,


Nancy Grimes

From: Sara Araújo
To: 'Nancy Grimes'
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 9:54 AM
Subject: RE: OK

Dear Nancy,

I hope everything is okay with you. I’m writing to let you that I have already been translating for a few days, but I still didn’t receive anything in my email regarding the payment of the job. Since I also haven’t heard anything else from you since I started the translation, I was wondering if you had meant for me to star the translation immediately or only after I heard anything else from you. If you could give me any news regarding this project, I would be very grateful!

I will be waiting for your reply.

Best Regards,

Sara Araújo

De: Nancy Grimes [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada: quarta-feira, 26 de Setembro de 2012 00:07
Para: Sara Araújo
Assunto: OK

Dear Sara,

Okay,thanks for the details provided. I will let you know as soon as my associate made out the payment so you keep an eye on your mailbox and please confirm the delivery.I really appreciate your effort towards making it a successful one and hope doing more with you in future and kindly go ahead with the project as soon as possible.I do believe we have much time as regards this project so you have much time to do quality job and proofread as well as i wouldn't want you to rush my job for anything else.

Have a brighter day ahead,

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation,

Nancy Grimes

From: Sara Araújo
To: 'Nancy Grimes'
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 10:38 AM

Dear Nancy,

Thank you very much for your reply. I agree with your suggestion of making the payment in three stages, since this it would also be a benefit for me. I agree with the method of payment you have suggested, but I would only like to ask you if you could give me a better explanation about it, because I have never used it before. As long as the money comes, I’m fine with anything. 

To answer your question, here it is my personal information:

Full Name: xxxxx
Full address: xxxxx
city, state, zip code: xxxxxx
Country: xxxxxx
Direct phone number.: xxxxxxxx
I’m expecting to have the work done by early November, but as we go along, I can give you a more specific date.

If there’s anything else you’d like to ask, please let me know.

Best regards,

Sara Araújo

De: Nancy Grimes [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada: segunda-feira, 24 de Setembro de 2012 09:23
Para: Sara Araújo

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your email, your trust is also outstanding in the returned email. I agree in making payment upfront as you preferred.I will suggest that 30% is made first, at the middle of the work you have another payment and then you have balance at the end of work. I believe that is reasonable enough for both parties. I am making arrangement with my partner on the payment so please let me know where you stand.

However, I work on short time business still working on strong capital but we all start somewhere.I live in France but currently in Indiana,USA for a summit.

Now i guess you have an idea of the woman you about to start work with. The delivery date is negotiable but must be before December 31st, 2012.

In your return email, please be inform that my client as choose method of payment for me to go with and i will like you to consider it as my payment method. She will make
part payment with BANK DRAFT that clears almost immediately upon presentation at your financial institution. Its an instant cash at any bank of your choice over there, if you will go with me on that please provide me the following for part payment.

Full Name
Full address
city, state, zip code
Direct phone number.

I hope you understand the situation here and comply with the method. I hope to read from you soonest. Please assure you will start the project as soon as possible and confirm the date you likely to complete it

Nancy Grimes

From: Sara Araújo
To: 'Nancy Grimes'
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:20 PM

Dear Nancy,

I’m fine. Thank you very much for asking. I hope everything is well with you too.

First of all, I would like to thank you very for remembering me for this project. I’m VERY interested in any subject related to History, since this is one one of my greatest passions, so it will be a pleasure to undertake it!

My charges per word for this type of projects are 0,05€, but because this is a big document I can give you a 20% discount, thus making a total of 1643€ for 41097 words. I can have it done at most by early November.

I’m currently living in Porto, a city of Portugal.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,

Sara Araújo

De: Nancy Grimes [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada: sexta-feira, 21 de Setembro de 2012 22:43
Para: Sara Araújo

Dear Sara,

How are you doing today?fine i presumed.I ought to have get back to you earlier than this time,it was due to normal circumstances.

I will want you to take a look at this project,is it what you capable of doing?.I have a lot of projects at hand,this is one of it and the way you handle it will determine if you would be choose later on for another project.

I will like to know you charges per word? and the total cost in Euros? How long will it take to finish the project? The deadline set for it December 31st. What is the country of your current residence?

I will be waiting to hear from you soon,


Nancy Grimes

From: Sara Araújo
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 10:22 PM
Subject: RE: Response to your bid

Good Evening Ms Nancy Grimes,

Thank you for your response.

As required in your bid response, I’m sending you my CV and the translation of my degree certificate as an attachment to this email.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you…

Best Regards,

Sara Araújo

De: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada: sexta-feira, 14 de Setembro de 2012 20:49
Para: Sara Araújo
Assunto: Response to your bid

A client has expressed an interest in your bid for project # 118801.

Hello, Kindly forward your CV to [email protected] Regards, Nancy Grimes.

To reply to this message, follow the link below:

[Editada em 2012-11-02 21:20 GMT]

Jeff Whittaker
Jeff Whittaker  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 02:45
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Rates Nov 4, 2012

0,05€ AND a 20% discount (without even being asked to give one) for a direct client who lives in Europe for a total of 1643€ for 41097 words????

Are rates in Portugal really that low or were you just baiting the scammer from the beginning because this seems incredibly low?

For example, I would have charged her a minimum of 6370 euros.

Triple your rates for direct clients as a bare minimum and you won't have to deal with these kinds of people because yo
... See more
0,05€ AND a 20% discount (without even being asked to give one) for a direct client who lives in Europe for a total of 1643€ for 41097 words????

Are rates in Portugal really that low or were you just baiting the scammer from the beginning because this seems incredibly low?

For example, I would have charged her a minimum of 6370 euros.

Triple your rates for direct clients as a bare minimum and you won't have to deal with these kinds of people because you will need fewer projects and you will attract a better class of clientele.

[Edited at 2012-11-04 10:27 GMT]

nordiste  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:45
Englisch > Französisch
+ ...
Thanks for posting the fake cheque image Nov 4, 2012

Sara Araújo wrote:

I'm trying to trap her now.
Recently, I have received an obvious fake check from HSBC, without even no sender name, as you can see:

In France cheques are still widely used - even for big amounts - so everybody knows how they should look like, no matter which bank.
This one is obviously a fake : no details ( name and address) regarding the sender and no signature to start with

I would never have thought that a scammer would dare use such a bad fake cheque...

[Edited at 2012-11-04 10:50 GMT]

Jaroslaw Michalak
Jaroslaw Michalak  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:45
Mitglied (2004)
Englisch > Polnisch
Not the kind of people you want to deal with Nov 4, 2012

Sara Araújo wrote:
I'm trying to trap her now.

In a word: don't. First of all, most likely there is no single "her" or "him". Usually Internet scams are run by specialized gangs of thugs you would best avoid. While most of the scammers are satisfied with conning their victims from afar, there have been cases of murders, kidnappings, extortions and other quite direct acts of violence and crimes related to Internet scams. Even if the scammers are writing from another country, they could quite possibly have associates in your country as well.

"Baiting" them may seem to be fun, but remember that you might be dealing with dangerous people. They know your real name and possibly address - if they feel threatened in any way, things could get rather unpleasant. If you want to do something to stop them, report them to the police.

Robert Forstag
Robert Forstag  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 02:45
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
I agree Nov 5, 2012

Jabberwock wrote:

Sara Araújo wrote:
I'm trying to trap her now.

In a word: don't. First of all, most likely there is no single "her" or "him". Usually Internet scams are run by specialized gangs of thugs you would best avoid. While most of the scammers are satisfied with conning their victims from afar, there have been cases of murders, kidnappings, extortions and other quite direct acts of violence and crimes related to Internet scams. Even if the scammers are writing from another country, they could quite possibly have associates in your country as well.

"Baiting" them may seem to be fun, but remember that you might be dealing with dangerous people. They know your real name and possibly address - if they feel threatened in any way, things could get rather unpleasant. If you want to do something to stop them, report them to the police.

Not only is there the danger that Jabberwock mentions but, given the reasonable inference that you've likely spent hours and hours obsessing over this matter, you have clearly wasted an inordinate amount of time and energy on this episode.

You've been had, plain and simple. It happens to the best of us. Learn from the experience, put it behind you, and move on.

Sara Marques
Sara Marques
Local time: 07:45
Mitglied (2012)
Portugiesisch > Spanisch
+ ...
I think I was missunderstood Nov 5, 2012

My plan has always been to reunite enough proof to report this case to the police. It was never my intention to trap her on my own. I have not spent much time with this at all, like I said, I'm just trying to gather as much information about this person / group as possible.

I could be selfish and let it go, which, of course, would be easiest way out, but I think it's important to let other translators know about this, especially since she (he, they) has contacted so many people. I w
... See more
My plan has always been to reunite enough proof to report this case to the police. It was never my intention to trap her on my own. I have not spent much time with this at all, like I said, I'm just trying to gather as much information about this person / group as possible.

I could be selfish and let it go, which, of course, would be easiest way out, but I think it's important to let other translators know about this, especially since she (he, they) has contacted so many people. I was fortunate enough not to lose any money with his, but there might be others who haven't been so lucky.

My one and only goal is to stop her from doing this to other people, it's not some sort of revenge, nor was my pride hurt in any way. Perhaps if everyone reported these people instead of "just letting it go", there wouldn't be so many of them around.

Sara Marques
Sara Marques
Local time: 07:45
Mitglied (2012)
Portugiesisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Thank you Nov 5, 2012

Jeff Whittaker wrote:

0,05€ AND a 20% discount (without even being asked to give one) for a direct client who lives in Europe for a total of 1643€ for 41097 words????

Are rates in Portugal really that low or were you just baiting the scammer from the beginning because this seems incredibly low?

For example, I would have charged her a minimum of 6370 euros.

Triple your rates for direct clients as a bare minimum and you won't have to deal with these kinds of people because you will need fewer projects and you will attract a better class of clientele.

[Edited at 2012-11-04 10:27 GMT]

As I started my career in translation early this year, I have been trying to make a living, attract clients and gain experience by lowering my rates. To tell you the truth, I have had more clients telling me that my rates were too high than the other way around, which has been very frustrating. Just two weeks ago an Indian agency contacted me for a long-term cooperation in which they would pay me less than €0,01 p/word (they offered me €0,004). As you may imagine, I refused this job, but there was one time that I had to accept a job in which they payed me €0,025 p/word for incredibly technical documents because I didn't have any other job offers. But, of course, my main goal is to put my skills to a better use. Right now I'm just trying to gain experience and enough money to pay for a masters degree.

Robert Forstag
Robert Forstag  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 02:45
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Your duty to others and to yourself--and being realistic Nov 5, 2012


You've done your civic and collegial duty by posting your contact with the fraudster here. This will help other translators not fall into the same trap as you have.

As Enrique has pointed out in this thread and elsewhere, the people who perpetrate such scams are very good at hiding their real identities and covering their tracks. It is thus very unlikely that you will get relevant information as to who and where they are from continuing to have contact with them.
... See more

You've done your civic and collegial duty by posting your contact with the fraudster here. This will help other translators not fall into the same trap as you have.

As Enrique has pointed out in this thread and elsewhere, the people who perpetrate such scams are very good at hiding their real identities and covering their tracks. It is thus very unlikely that you will get relevant information as to who and where they are from continuing to have contact with them. In any case, though these people are scammers, they certainly aren't stupid, and will have their own red flags go up over such insistent attempts on your part to continue contact when it is fairly evident that "the game is up."

Each translator has to make his or her own decision regarding whether to file a police report under such circumstances. My own view is that doing so would likely be a waste of precious time. I very much doubt that the local authority you report it to will assign high priority--or even any priority--to tracking down such fraudsters. If you want to take the time to go to your nearest police station to file a report, you are free to do so. Others can make up their own minds as to whether such action is likely to be worth the bother.

[Edited at 2012-11-05 16:58 GMT]

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 08:45
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Sadly, I agree Nov 5, 2012

Robert Forstag wrote:

Each translator has to make his or her own decision regarding whether to file a police report under such circumstances. My own view is that doing so would likely be a waste of precious time. I very much doubt that the local authority you report it to will assign high priority--or even any priority--to tracking down such fraudsters. If you want to take the time to go to your nearest police station to file a report, you are free to do so. Others can make up their own minds as to whether such action is likely to be worth the bother.

I couldn't agree more!

When I have tried to submit complaints in the past under similar circumstances, most times they've just shrugged and said more or less: "More fool you, then!". And in any case, as Robert says, the chances of actually catching anyone are extremely remote anyway.

The best thing we can do is to keep each other informed as widely as possible, and change our emotional attitude so we will be less vulnerable; this "work at any price" philosophy is not only damaging for the industry as a whole, but also makes the individual extremely vulnerable to this sort of scamming.

I used to think that it was "better to earn something than nothing"; but since I realized this attitude was actually doing me a disservice, I have started looking at things differently, and hey presto! things suddenly started getting better for me.


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