NY Jan 16 to Jan 24, 2010

Szczegóły ogłoszenia
Prośba - Porady dotyczące podróży
Od: Philippe Maillard
Zamieszczona dnia:Nov 30, 2009
Miejsce: New York
Opis:Hello all,

My son, 22 years old, attending 4th year at university in Brussels (Ichec) is organizing, together with other nine students, a short stay in New York from Jan 16 to Jan 24, 2010. The group did rent a house in Brooklin for that period. Although they no longer are kids, they specifically know nobody in NY’s area. I wish to provide them with the name of one of you who they could just get in touch with in case need be. Some members of the group have already been travelling during a month last year in India. It would be nice to offer them such a “safety net” should they encounter any real emergency. Rest assured: their budget is standing firm and it’s not for financial reasons they would ask for help! I would really appreciate the potential availability of one of a colleague. Chances are they won’t even get in touch… Thank you very much in advance. Best regards, Philippe (www.proz.com/profile/110794).

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