Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 24 '23 eng>ara finding our ground كيفية التعايش مع الواقع/الارتباط بالحاضر pro open no
- Sep 30 '22 eng>ara Timeless الخالد pro closed ok
- Mar 25 '18 eng>ara bigger أكبر/أكثر وزنًا pro closed ok
4 May 8 '17 eng>ara Man that is born of a woman hath أيما رجل، وُلد من رحم امرأة، لن يعيش سوى pro closed ok
- May 12 '15 eng>ara Satisfied by حظيت بقبول pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered