Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 22 '12 rus>eng взыскивать задолженность в судебном порядке to recover debt through court pro closed no
- Apr 15 '12 rus>eng фирма-однодневка bogus company pro closed no
- Apr 4 '12 rus>eng момент возникновения права собственности title of ownership acquisition time pro closed no
- Dec 25 '11 rus>eng принцип своевременности принятия решения the defendant has failed to perform the obligation of timely decision-making pro closed no
- Dec 6 '11 rus>eng Выделение права собственности statement of title claim for 1/2 share of property pro closed ok
- Dec 1 '11 rus>eng под арестом или запрещением не состоит (о недвижимом имуществе) property is not under attachment or distress pro closed ok
4 Aug 22 '11 rus>eng регистрирующий орган, в котором находится регистрационное дело registration authority where registration file is located pro closed ok
4 Jul 23 '11 rus>eng КБ КЦ коммрческий блок контактный центр pro closed no
4 Dec 10 '09 rus>eng По всем вопросам голосовали за единогласно. All proposals received unanimous affirmative votes pro closed ok
4 Oct 31 '09 rus>eng снятие ареста [с ценных бумаг] petition for release of secutrities from attachment/distraint pro closed ok
4 Oct 31 '09 rus>eng Вопрос, поставленный на голосование issue put to vote pro closed no
- Oct 19 '09 rus>eng наложить арест на счет to attach a bank account pro closed ok
- Oct 7 '09 rus>eng исключить имущество из описи take (certain items) out of the list of impounded property pro closed ok
- Jun 18 '09 rus>eng пронумеровано, прошнуровано и скреплено печатью.... numbered, banded and stamped pro closed no
- Apr 17 '09 rus>eng предоставить/обеспечить во внеочередном порядке bypassing the waiting list pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '09 rus>eng самостоятельный и независимый self-contained and independent pro closed no
- Jan 17 '09 rus>eng Данное заявление классифицируется как откровенная клевета Mr. XXX perceives this statement as blatantly slanderous pro closed no
- Nov 6 '08 rus>eng неустойка в виде пени Forfeit penalty pro just_closed no
- Oct 29 '08 rus>eng работа по совместительству здесь: outsourcing pro closed no
- Oct 24 '08 rus>eng освобождать от уголовной ответственности (за сроком давности) criminal charges dropped because the statute of limitations had expired pro closed no
- Oct 17 '08 rus>eng добровольный выход из какой-либо организации I decided to quit/cancel my membership in XXXX pro closed no
- Sep 23 '08 rus>eng в редакции закона Federal Law No. 234, Rev. of Oct. 25, 2007 pro closed no
- Sep 19 '08 rus>eng Отменяя решения судов трех инстанций the court has returned a ruling (verdict) overriding three lower courts pro closed no
- Aug 21 '08 rus>eng Нецелевое использование земли use of land for purposes other than those designated pro closed no
- Aug 20 '08 rus>eng вышестоящий хозяйственный орган superior regulatory (governing) structure pro closed ok
- Aug 17 '08 rus>eng Остановить с 12.08.2008 г. на срок два месяца клиринг resolved clearing transactions and sale/purchase of ordinary shares suspended effective from pro closed ok
- Jul 15 '08 rus>eng правоприменитель law practitioner pro closed ok
4 Jun 5 '08 rus>eng отчетность reporting documentation pro closed ok
4 Jun 5 '08 rus>eng в натуре in kind pro closed ok
- Jun 2 '08 rus>eng охраняемый законом интерес legally protected interest pro closed no
4 May 28 '08 rus>eng визуально просматривается is clearly visible pro closed no
4 May 28 '08 rus>eng napravleno requirement .... is directed at protecting the interests of pro closed no
- May 28 '08 rus>eng мнимое соглашение/сделка bogus transaction pro closed no
- May 28 '08 rus>eng в редакции закона According to Federal Law XXX as amended .... pro closed ok
- May 26 '08 rus>eng акт-претензия Punch list pro closed ok
- May 26 '08 rus>eng ЧТО КАСАЕТСЯ ГАРМОНИЗАЦИИ ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВА ГОСУДАРСТВ – ЧЛЕНОВ ПО МАШИННОМУ ОБ directive is focused on harmonizing member-countries legislations in the field of mechanical pro closed no
- May 25 '08 rus>eng уже трансформировалась, но во что, мы не знаем the debt has changed we don't know how pro closed no
- May 15 '08 rus>eng заявление об освобождении от занимаемой должности по собственному желанию based on his resignation request pro closed no
- May 14 '08 rus>eng согласованные/по соглашению does not constitute a team effort pro closed no
- May 14 '08 rus>eng Дальневосточная оперативная таможня Field Customs Service of the Far East pro just_closed no
- Apr 4 '08 rus>eng справочная правовая система (СПС) legal consultancy service pro closed ok
- Mar 31 '08 rus>eng прошел по каждому пункту обвинения professionally analyzed every single point of the indictment pro closed ok
- Mar 27 '08 rus>eng выйти из состава участников ООО to cede one's PLC share or ownership pro closed no
- Mar 20 '08 rus>eng строительство зданий и сооружений 1 и 2 уровней ответственности construction of buildings and structures of responsibility level 1 and 2 pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '08 rus>eng дела, рассматриваемые в порядке отдельного производства separately considered cases pro closed no
- Mar 17 '08 rus>eng квалификационно-дисциплинарная комиссия Commission on judicial qualifications and judicial conduct pro closed no
- Mar 12 '08 rus>eng постановление о производстве выемки investingation ordered to impound documents of the company pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '08 rus>eng по признакам состава преступления, предусмотренного based on the essential elements of a criminal offence covered by Article... pro closed no
- Mar 2 '08 rus>eng о повышении исполнительной дисциплины Resolution on the measures to heighten executive responsibility pro closed no
- Feb 29 '08 rus>eng сохранять зарплату за работником во время отпуска to provide a fully paid vacation/paid time off pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered