The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Финландски на Английски Право (общо) Translation Glossary

Финландски term Английски translation
AP/AR zoning abbreviation for mixed low-rise housing
Entered by: Desmond O'Rourke
Diaarinumero Record number
esteetön jäävi
estemerkki obstacle, bar
Entered by: Desmond O'Rourke
hallintolainkäyttölaki Administrative Judicial Procedure Act
Entered by: Kristina Thorne
holhousasioiden rekisteri Register of Guardianship Affairs
Ilmoittaa syytteeseen pantavaksi report (an offence) for prosecution
järjestämisvastuu responsibility of providing
KANTANAUHOITUS master recording
kantelukierros Round of extraordinary appeal
kokonaistaloudellinen economic
koon shall, may, should, must, is liable
korvaava compensating
matkaselliosasto transit facility, transit ward, transit wing
Oikeusvaltio (state governed by) the rule of law
purkaa nauhotus transcribe a recording
RE-direktiivi EU Renewables Directive
syyttäjä tulisi jättämään syytteen nostamatta the prosecutor would drop the charges
tahdonilmaus intent
Entered by: Desmond O'Rourke
törkeä vahingonteko aggravated damage to property
tekninen käyttöyhteys electronic user's license/user connection
tuomiolauselma judicial decision
ulosottopidätys Distraint
valtion vahinko (remain) as the loss for the state
vastinekierros response round
välivuokrata via agencies
voidaan pitää puolustettavana can be considered justified
yleinen edunvalvoja public guardian
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