Browse links of Медицина: здравеопазване glossaries
Discover or contribute links to translation glossaries about and Медицина: здравеопазване terms.
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Энциклопедический словарь медицинских терминов (гл. ред. Б. В. Петровский, 1984–1989), М.: Советская энциклопедия. Систематизированное научно-справочное издание, ок. 60 000 медицинских терминов с этимологическими корнями. Справочные приложения: «Анатомические термины» «Артерии», «Вены», «Кости», «Лимфатические узлы», «Мышцы», «Нервы и другие образо... View more
Russian to English Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Glossary / Русско-английский толковый словарь биотехнологических и генноинженерных терминов, with appr. 450 terms in the fields of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunogenetics, Genetic Engineering, Bioscience, with extensive explanations in Russian. Based on Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering ... View more
Hier werden medizinische Fachbegriffe einfach und verständlich erklärt.
A glossary of technical terms on the economics and finance of health services
World Health Organization |
A glossary of technical terms on the economics and finance of health services by J. L. Roberts, Consultant for Health Economics WHO Regional Office for Europe, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 1998.
English-Chinese Medical Dictionary / Glossary
Dr Wong Kia Boon (Singapore) |
This site, existent since 2001, has recently been revamped in 2016. Unique features: - Quadri-directional search using either English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese or Pinyin (all other forms displayed by entering any 1 of the above) - Predictive / suggestive search feature with autocomplete options (AJAX live search) - Medical terms... View more
Glosaire en français concernant le domaine des mutuelles de Santé
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), located in Helsinki, Finland, manages all REACH and CLP tasks by carrying out or co-coordinating the necessary activities, ensures a consistent implementation at Community level and provides Member States and the European institutions with the best possible scientific advice on questions relating to the safety ... View more
Drugs street terms (drug slang)
Office of National Drug Control Policy |
The Street Terms database contains over 2,300 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity. The database is used by police officers, parents, treatment providers and others who require a better understanding of drug culture.
Wellness-Interaktiv GmbH |
Ausführliches Lexikon zu verschiedenen Wellnessthemen
DICTIONNAIRE PRATIQUE DE LA SANTé français-anglais-allemand-espagnol |
à partir de la page 15, un dictionnaire de médecine en 4 langues: de français vers anglais + allemand + espagnol
English-Russian Glossary of Key Terms on Vaccinology and Immunization
World Health Organization |
The glossary covers a wide range of terms used in the fields of vaccinology and immunization. It is a compilation of key terms and should be used as a standard when developing and translating technical documents in Russian.
A comprehensive multilingual listing of online medical & biomedical dictionaries and glossaries on the Internet. Over 2,110 links to useful & informative medical & health-related web sites and medical dictionaries in 23 languages.
Glossary of selected terms in Labour Market, vocational educational and training , Occupational safety and health used in Jordan.
Ministry Of Labour -The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan |
Glossary of selected terms in Labour Market, vocational educational and training , Occupational safety and health used in Jordan. Ministry Of Labour -The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Glossario medico
ASL 3 Torino - Italy |
Glossario Italiano italiano dei termini medici e della salute. Il dizionario medico spiega, in maniera semplice, il significato di queste parole, spesso utilizzate nei foglietti dei medicinali, nella documentazione medica in generale ed in questo Portale della Salute.
Health/welfare/labor terminologies
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (JPSS) |
医療情報システム いりょうじょうほうしすてむ medical care information system 医療審議会 いりょうしんぎかい Council on Medical Service Facilities 医療ソーシャルワーカー いりょうそーしゃるわーかー medical social worker (msw) 医療費適正化 いりょうひてきせいか moderation in health care cost 医療法 いりょうほう Medical Care Law Medical Service Law 医療法人 いりょうほうじん medical juridical person medical corporatio... View more
Repertorio de siglas, acrónimos, abreviaturas y símbolos ofrecido por la asociación de traductores y redactores médicos Tremédica.
Sanitary glossary
Ufficio federale della sanità pubblica Svizzera |
Glossary related to health and sanitary system in foru language. By Federal Office of Public Health - Switzerland
Searchable alphabetised glossary of scientific/medical terms encountered in Hospice Care and Palliative medicine
Glossary of medical terms associated with this condition
Glossary of telemedicine terminology
DOCTORS' SLANG, MEDICAL SLANG AND MEDICAL ACRONYMS AND VETERINARY ACRONYMS & VET SLANG These have been mostly collected from the UK and USA, with a few non-English contributions (many thanks to all contributors from around the globe). Some of the acronyms are region-specific and have differing meanings in US and UK. It is noticeable that the US... View more
Slang Terms - (Emergency Room)
ER Headquarters |
Glossary of slang terms used in the TV show ER (also relevant when translating particular medical documents)
Alphabetical glossary of English terms used by the NHS and USA Healthcare Systems to describe, discuss and in the treatment of such infections as MRSA and Clostridium Difficile.
Around 40 definitions in English of the most frequently used phrases connected with the autoimmune condition Multiple Sclerosis (SEP en Francais).
Medical terms can be searched in this complete dictionary. Monolingual English explanations.
Alphabetical search for meaning of English terms commonly used in Medical Research (I'm not a member, but have noticed a shortage of this type of glossary on the ProZ website). Hope its' ok to submit them.
Dictionnaire médical en ligne |,...
dictionnaire des termes médicaux avec définitions en français
Banque de données terminologique du Service de la langue française (Communauté française de Belgique)
Service de la langue française du du Ministère de la Communauté française de Belgique |
A French-English-Dutch-German terminology dictionary searchable by language and by field (with the legal field being notably absent). Last update in 2007.
Skönhetslexikon |
Vad är egentligen homeopati och hur fungerar kemisk peeling? skönhetsregister ger dig svaren på vad de olika termerna/begreppen i skönhetsindustrin innebär.
Family Planning Glossary
Family Health International |
Glossary of reproductive health terms in English, Spanish, and French. The glossary was produced out of a need to standardize translations.
Lexique des services de santé (français-anglais)/Glossary of health services (English- French)
Bureau de la traduction (Canada) |
Glossaire FR- FR avec définition dans le domaine des études cliniques
Italian glossary on vitamins and minerals. Un elenco ragionato di tutte le vitamine e i minerali.
Medical Lexicon - English and Latin Terms
MediLexicon International Ltd. |
An English medical and pharmaceutical lexicon. Good if you are translating between English and languages that use a lot of Latin in medical terminology (such as German).
Glossary of Eye Care Terms
All About Vision |
Glossary of Eye Care Terms
lexique des pompiers |
termes et définitions employés dans le secteur des pompiers et de la lutte contre les incendies
Glossario previdenziale italiano - italiano
INPS - a cura di Assunta e Cecilia Ruscitto |
ccordo internazionali di sicurezza sociale convenzione tra due o più Paesi sull’applicazione delle misure di sicurezza sociale ai rispettivi cittadini addetto ai servizi domestici e familiari collaboratore familiare, lavoratore domestico, colf adeguamento pensione rivalutazione annuale commisurata all’aumento del costo della vita acc... View more
Glossario previdenziale inglese - italiano
INPS - a cura di Assunta e Cecilia Ruscitto |
accrue a right (to) maturare diritto accrued contribution contributi accreditati acquired right diritto acquisito Administrative Commission Commissione Amministrativa adopted children figli affiliati
Glossario previdenziale italiano - inglese
INPS - a cura di Assunta e Cecilia Ruscitto |
a tempo determinato temporary accordo bilaterale bilateral agreement accordo internazionale di sicurezza sociale international agreement of social security