Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-19 of 19 results
Polyglot botanical dictionary first published in 1980 (the introduction is hence quite outdated, but this does not apply to the actual entries of the dictionary). The multilingual dictionary contains more than 12,000 Latin technical terms, including graphic variants as well as terms made up of two words. Corresponding technical terms are given in... View more
A Modern Herbal - English
by Mrs. M. Grieve |
The electronic version of "A Modern Herbal" by Maud Grieve. English (mono)
Czech-German Glossary
Martina Ledermann |
Dear translators, Here you will find a free Czech-German glossary. There are a lot of botanical, technical, historical, medical and other terms. Have a lot of fun with it. Martina
About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |
Botanical dictionary |
Multilingual dictionary of plants and herbs Latin, Italian, Piedmontese, French, English
Glossary of botanical terms
Missouri Botanical Garden |
Glossary of botanical terms in French and English
Botanical Glossary
Dennis and Linda Cathcart |
Difficult botanical terms
Chinese-English Glossary of Botanical Terms
Susan Marie Rossi-Wilcox, Botanical Museum of Harvard University |
Chinese-English Glossary of Botanical Terms
The GardenWeb Glossary of Botanical Terms currently contains 4400 terms relating to botany, gardening, horticulture and landscape architecture and is regularly updated.
Herbal-Medical Glossary
Michael Moore, Southwest School of Botanical Medicine, USA |
Ekolojik ve Botanik Terimler S�zl�� A volunteer group of researchers focusing on city planning issues |
A Turkish (monolingual) glossary of environmental, ecological, botanical terminology
This glossary helped me when I translated a book about tree descriptions. It was very helpful in understanding terms. Several of the terms I did not know either in English or Spanish are here.
Escellent botanical glossary in Eng Fr Spanish
English (mono) botanical glossary with emphasis on carnivorous plants and some useful links.
One of the leading spice experts on the web! Very solid information on (currently) 117 different spice plant Search engine alphabetical: 4000 names in about 40 different languages English synonyms and botanical names Geographic index according to country of origin or main usage area Morphological index plant part used for cooking Botani... View more
Botanical Image Database very detailled and very good quality of fotos species families woody plants pollinator
GardenWeb Glossary of Botanical Terms - 5k | http://GardenWeb Glossary of Botani...
The GardenWeb Glossary of Botanical Terms currently contains 4400 terms relating to botany, gardening, horticulture and landscape architecture and is regularly updated ! Secondly, you can browse the HortiPlex plant database if you're looking up names of plants !
Glossary of Botanical Terms currently contains 4400 terms relating to botany, gardening, horticulture and landscape architecture
This glossary provides concise definitions of garden, horticultural, botanical and herbal related words, listed alphabetically.