Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-11 of 11 results
Bi-Directional English-Japanese Dictionary
Pacific Software Publishing |
To look up a Japanese word, you must type in kana or kanji to find the definition. The dictionary is not designed to accept romanized Japanese input. You can also use wildcards ( * ) in your search.
This dictionary is based on EDICT by Jim Breen and is powered by ALISE (A Little Internet Search Engine).
Terms commonly found in French Canadian geneological records, with some brief explanations or historical/cultural notes, and English equivalents listed.
Средновековен френски (около 1400-1600)
EN-EN glossary of credit card-related terms
Monolingual Financial Glossary
Japanese flash cards
education |
Credit card features and manufacturing
useful glossary for credit card transactions.
Bridge Playing Terminology
Johan Dorfling |
Approx 500 words, in HTML format. Includes links to definitions in Afrikaans as well as tournament abbreviations.
Good glossary of terms related to credit cards, e-commerce, on-line banking, etc.
French/English Glossary of Linguistic Terms
SIL International |
Work in progress. No definitions. Sophisticated search box supporting wild cards. Editors: Thomas Bearth and Charles Fennig for SIL International (formerly known as the Summer Institute of Linguistics). This glossary contains thousands of linguistic concepts in both French (6,641) and English (6,821). New entries will regularly be added. [2003-06-0... View more
English - Japanese Glossary on terms from Magic, the Gathering, which is a card game.