Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 101 results
English, German, French and Russian Glossary of the Danube navigation
Secretariat of the Danube Commission |
The Glossary of the Danube navigation has been prepared by the Secretariat of the Danube Commission to harmonize terminology, used in the official documents related to the various fields of the Danube Commission’s activity in its official languages (German, French and Russian) as well as in English, and has been issued according to the Plan of publ... View more
Ornithological Glossary
Cornell Lab of Ornithology |
In general, terms have been defined as they apply to birds. Nevertheless, many terms (especially those naming basic anatomical structures or biological principles) apply to a range of living things beyond birds. In most cases, terms that apply only to birds are noted as such. Most terms that are bolded in the text of the Handbook of Bird Biology ap... View more
Старообрядчество. Лица, предметы, события и символы.
С.Г.Вургафт, И.А.Ушаков |
В словарь "Старообрядчество. Лица, события, предметы и символы" входят материалы по истории всех ветвей русского старообрядчества с 17 по 20 век. Словарь содержит сведения о вероучении различных согласий и биографические данные виднейших деятелей. Рассчитан на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся вопросами религии и истории.
rapid prototyping services
rapid prototype |
China rapid prototyping services and manufacturing in good quality and low cost , we are always focusing on creating and enhancing new products and business opportunities through rapid prototyping services in China.If you're looking for product development and prototype solutions, our experienced engineers can guide you through the many processes... View more
Danske Regioner |
"Doctor’s Handbook" is a medical website aimed primarily at Danish General Practitioners and secondarily at other health care professionals. The website contains approx 3,000 medical articles about different conditions and more than 2,000 illustrations.
Die Unmoralische |
Ein Bundeswehr-Glossar im Klartext
A comprehensive multilingual listing of online medical & biomedical dictionaries and glossaries on the Internet. Over 2,110 links to useful & informative medical & health-related web sites and medical dictionaries in 23 languages.
Old and new toponyms in Belgium, The Netherlands and France
Mortgage Terms Glossary
T4 Innovations. |
Mortgage-related words
Glossary of cap and closure terms
SKS Bottle & Packaging, Inc. |
This glossary describes various types of caps, closures, containers, designs of bottle molds, molding processes, packaging components, and decorating options for bottles and jars.
Glossary of nautical terms
Torbjörn Dalnäs |
Swedish - English glossary of nautical terms with explanations in Swedish.
A Concise Dictionary of Sport
Fakhir Abdel Razzak |
English to Arabic in PDF format (you will need WinRAR to open and Adobe Acrobat to stitch the TIFF files. A bit old - 1970 - but still handy.
Jernbanegloser DE-DA, EN-DA, FR-DA & vice versa
Dansk Jernbaneklub |
Dansk oversættelse af amerikanske, britiske, franske og tyske jernbaneudtryk samt kort forklaring af damplokomotiv-typenavne. Jernbanegloser er en supplementsordbog. Indholdet er først og fremmest udtryk, man leder forgæves efter i almindelige ordbøger, bl.a. en række sammensætninger. En del udtryk fra det generelle ordforråd er dog også medtaget.
A listán 429 féle hal neve megtalálható magyarul, angolul és a tudományos nevén.
Includes Hungarian, Latin, and English names of 429 fish species. Search possible in all directions using the Ctrl+F key combination.
Accounting terms
Harold B. Averkamp |
Site with a lot of useful definitions and links relating to accounting terms.
This heraldry dictionary is based on the works of Elvin (edited by Marvin Beatty) from his original manuscript of 1879. Corrections have been made, and additions from the Armorial Gold Library have been added. You are welcome to use this heraldry dictionary as a reference tool without fee. This is copyrighted material and as such may not be reprodu... View more
An extensive list of antique words and their updated meanings and usages. Antique words, or words of changed usage Consult the right hand for words to watch out for: words that are too modern, slang, or out of place in any attempt to render an old style. or antique flavor in dialogue or text Sometimes the meanings are vastly changed; Consult ... View more
Aerial Photography is a multi-discipline profession that requires knowledge of not only Photography but also Aircraft, Flying, Navigation, and so on. This glossary is presented to give the viewer a greater understanding of some of the terms used in the seemingly simple activity of snapping a great photo whilst hanging out of an aeroplane or heli... View more
Dictionary of Library Terms
National Library of Estonia |
The dictionary is built on the database maintained by the terminology sector of the National Library of Estonia and contains about 4400 bibliography, bibliology, IT etc. terms approved by the terminology comission of the Estonian Librarians' Assosiation. The dictionary will be regularly updated. The dictionary can be searched by exact term or p... View more
Cooking Dictionary
Recipe Goldmine™ |
Culinary dictionary with definitions in English
Visión general de los tipos de soldadura
Tooling University, LLC. |
Welding dictionary - includes English equivalents of Spanish terms; descriptions and explanations are in Spanish only.
Plant names in German
Kräuterbuch von Jacobus Theodorus |
Glossary of German plants with their old and new names
Glossário de Cutelaria
Knife Company |
Glossário de termos relacionados a facas, aço, adagas, etc.
Generalitat de Catalunya |
L'Optimot és un cercador d'informació lingüística que ajuda a resoldre dubtes sobre la llengua catalana.
Korean Medical Library Engine (KMLE)
Michael Yong Park, M.D. |
This site is a privately run website and is completely unrelated to the NIH(National institute of health),,,,, Although the engine was designed from the start for accuracy, search results are returned through a META search and possibly some words or data may be left out or incorrect. ... View more
Birds of Peru (Lima)
Juan Pedro Paz-Soldán - |
Spanish, English, scientific names and photos of birds found in the Lima province of Peru. ¨ tiene fotos de más de 140 especies de aves del departamento de Lima para los que se inician en la observación de aves (birdwatching o birding). El website es visitado anualmente por más de 100,000 personas y está rankeado entre los 20 pr... View more
old medical terminology
Deutsche Terminologie/Glossar zum Surfen
Fachbegriffe - Erklärungen (meist aus dem Englischen)
Hier findet ihr eine Erklärung der wichtigsten Wellenreit-Fachbegriffe. Da das Thema Wellenreiten weiter gefasst werden muss, als manch einer annimmt, finden sich hier einige Begriffe, die auf den ersten Blick nicht im direkten Zusammenhang mit dem We... View more
Invertebrados Marinos incluídos en el diccionario seri
Lenguas de las Américas ( |
Nombres de algunos invertebrados comunes por clase y familia y su equivalente en español, seri e inglés. Contenido parcial del: Mary B. Moser y Stephen A. Marlett (compiladores). (2005) Comcáac quih yaza quih hant ihíip hac. Diccionario seri-español-inglés. Mexico City y Hermosillo: Plaza y Valdés Editores y Universidad de Sonora. (Artista: Cath... View more
zzz Друг zzz
zzz Друг zzz
It's a small handy dict to look up old traditional sino-vietnamese words, up to 4000 words. The site also contains many links to other languages.
Glossario della Finanza |
In parole semplici il gruppo descrive i termini tecnici relativi al campo della finanza.
Das grammatische Wörterbuch
Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim |
Das Grammatische Wörterbuch enthält derzeit grammatisch relevante Informationen zu
* Konnektoren wie aber, weil, wohlgemerkt, sogar oder geschweige denn
* Präpositionen wie auf, ohne, anhand oder zeit
* Affixen wie ver- in vergolden, Ultra- in Ultraschall, -heit in Menschheit oder -bold in Trunkenbold
In ... View more
Økonomiske begreper
Gyldendal Undervisning og Halden Dataservice |
Denne ordlista inneholder definisjoner av de sentrale begrepene i faget økonomi og informasjonsbehandling.
Automotive electronical terms
AutomotiveAutomotive |
A/C relay holder 空调继电器支架 A/C dual pressure switch 空调双压开关 A/C air suspension 空调空气弹簧悬架 A/T fluid temperature sensor 自动变速器油温传感器 A/T Reverse Relay 自动变速器倒档继电器
Humboldt Universität Berlin |
Wem Begriffe unbekannt sind, der findet hier vielleicht die Erklärung, die er sucht. Wer Erweiterungs- oder Korrekturvorschläge hat, kann diese (wenn möglich gleich mit Erläuterung als e-mail an Pascal Müller-Gugenberger schicken. Wenn der Eintrag hier nicht zu finden ist, hilft vielleicht das Online-Dictionary of Computing weiter.
Kamus Keuangan
Safir Senduk |
The glossary contains terms used in daily household financial planning, i.e. planning at family level (in contrast with corporate or state level).
Compiled by Safir Senduk, a prominent trainer for family financial planning.
Specialized terminology describing migration issues from International Migration Organization.
Downloadable PDF file that can be searched in both directions.
FOLDOC is a searchable dictionary of acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conventions, standards, mathematics, telecoms, electronics, institutions, companies, projects, products, history, in fact anything to do with computing.
The dictionary has been growing since 1985 under the... View more
CMH Cold Mixture Heater 冷车混合汽加热器
CMO Conventional Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油
CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置
CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器
Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器
This dictionary is intended for use primarily by speakers of English who need to understand Russian mathematical writing and/or to translate such writing. As far as possible, the "definitions" are translations rather than explanations, and reflect current usage in mathematical writing. The vocabulary has been extensively enlarged and brought up to ... View more