Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Humanitarian and Veterinary Medicine Acronym Dictionary
Marie-Lise Antoun Shams |
cronyms for global information and data resources in health, medical, and veterinary sciences. Linked acronyms point to selected related Web sites. The acronyms and their expansions appear in the languages of origin. This document is frequently updated
Veterinary Abbreviations and Acronyms
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Veterinary Medicine Library |
This list focuses on abbreviations and acronyms commonly used in veterinary practice and supplements the standard and widely available reference sources such as Gale's Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary. It is intended for use by veterinary students, researchers, practitioners, and librarians.
This site contains a comprehensive list of approved veterinary drugs along with tons of information on them, maker, ingredients etc