Archived polls

6149 polls, displaying 451 through 500
How do you feel about the current status of data security and privacy in AI systems?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 28, 2023
Doubtful 46.7%
N/A - Other 19.3%
Fearful 15.6%
OK 10.6%
Satisfied 5.9%
Highly satisfied 1.9%
321 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which of these makes the best white noise for working?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 27, 2023
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Do you feel confident in your ability to check/correct AI output?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 26, 2023
Yes 71.9%
N/A - Other 17.1%
No 11.1%
199 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do agencies and end clients comply with your payment terms?
By Ines R. - featured on Nov 25, 2023
Most of them 38.8%
Yes 23.8%
Some of them 19.2%
No 8.7%
Other - N/A 6.6%
It depends on... (please share) 2.8%
286 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you using AI in your work? If so, do you think you still need to have a CAT tool?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 24, 2023
Yes 39.9%
No 39.6%
N/A - Other 12.7%
Not sure 7.7%
323 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many of your clients come from you approaching the client first?
By Roni Glaser - featured on Nov 23, 2023
None 32.1%
A few 31.8%
Most of them 12.5%
I don't know 9.8%
All of them 5.8%
Many 5.2%
Other - N/A 2.8%
327 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is your general attitude towards AI?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 22, 2023
I use it 37.8%
I ignore it 27.0%
N/A Other 22.0%
I hate it 13.2%
423 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The secret of my success in finding translation/interpreting work, if I had to choose just one, is:
By anonymous - featured on Nov 21, 2023
My vast experience 26.3%
Other - N/A 21.0%
My solid profile 15.2%
My Credentials 10.1%
Personal marketing 9.9%
Availability 9.2%
My position in the Directory 5.3%
My KudoZ points 1.9%
My WWA entries 1.2%
415 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Who usually proofreads your work?
By Monika Jakacka Márquez - featured on Nov 19, 2023
Only me 59.8%
A colleague 14.5%
Nobody 10.8%
Other - N/A 8.0%
My partner 4.4%
One of my parents 1.2%
One of my children 0.8%
A friend 0.4%
249 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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At what age would you like to retire?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 18, 2023
I don't plan on retiring 34.8%
At 60-64 18.8%
At 65-70 17.9%
At 55-59 7.1%
At 71+ 6.4%
Other - N/A 6.1%
Before 50 4.7%
At 50-54 4.2%
425 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Why did you decide to become a linguist?
By Yamila Sosa - featured on Nov 17, 2023
Other - N/A 46.0%
I was inspired by someone 21.2%
For lack of other job opportunities 17.7%
For family reasons 8.6%
For time management 6.6%
396 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is you favorite distraction when you don't feel like working?
By ARKADIUSZ KACZOROWSKI - featured on Nov 16, 2023
browsing internet 32.8%
Other - N/A 19.8%
watching TV 13.8%
sports 13.5%
cooking 4.8%
playing an instrument 4.2%
gardening 3.4%
sitting on your chair and swinging your feet 2.6%
running errands 2.4%
having something to drink 1.3%
stretching 1.3%
378 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What information do you value most about outsourcers in order to trust them?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 15, 2023
A high Blue Board rating 50.4%
A recommendation by a trusted colleague 35.0%
Other - N/A 6.9%
A corporate name and address 3.1%
A strong online presence 2.3%
A corporate email address 2.1%
Any email address will do 0.3%
389 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you care about how you look in your profile picture?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 14, 2023
Yes 74.0%
No 13.4%
I don't have a profile picture 10.1%
Other - N/A 2.5%
477 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which type of computer do you prefer for work?
By tilak raj - featured on Nov 13, 2023
Laptop 54.8%
Desktop 42.8%
Mini Laptop 1.5%
Other - N/A 0.6%
Tablet 0.3%
332 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How long did it take until you managed to get a steady income as a language professional?
By Zsofia Koszegi-Nagy - featured on Nov 12, 2023
Between 1 and 3 years 27.9%
A few months 20.7%
More than 3 years 17.8%
I don't know, I'm not there yet 15.9%
A year 12.0%
I don't remember 5.8%
276 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you happy as a language professional?
By Murad AWAD - featured on Nov 11, 2023
Yes 59.3%
Sometimes, not always 25.8%
Not exactly 7.7%
No 5.0%
I don't know 1.7%
Other - N/A 0.5%
403 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever joined a professional organization in your field(s) of expertise?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 10, 2023
No 38.9%
Yes (please share) 29.2%
No, but I have thought about it 18.8%
I wouldn't know where to start with that 11.0%
Other - N/A 2.1%
383 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Where do you usually work?
By Irène Guinez - featured on Nov 9, 2023
At home 95.3%
At a coworking space 1.6%
I have an office with a colleague/colleagues 1.2%
Other (please share) 1.0%
Outdoors 0.6%
At a café 0.2%
485 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In order to attract new clients, a translator's / interpreter's personal website needs to:
By Patricia Fierro, M. Sc. - featured on Nov 8, 2023
Some or all of the above 33.9%
I don't know 26.2%
include one's experience and education 25.6%
be designed by a professional 7.4%
Other (please share) 6.6%
have animation / good images 0.3%
351 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If working long hours, how often do you take a break?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 7, 2023
Whenever I feel like it 32.1%
Every hour 25.6%
Every 2 hours 18.7%
Every 3 hours or more 9.1%
Every 30 minutes 8.1%
I don't take breaks 2.8%
Every 15 minutes 2.0%
Other 1.5%
850 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I'm expecting my November to be...
By anonymous - featured on Nov 2, 2023
As busy as usual 39.1%
Slower than usual 27.1%
Busier than usual 24.1%
Other - N/A 9.8%
399 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you comfortable assessing test translations for your favorite agency?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 1, 2023
Yes 52.1%
No 26.6%
I don't know 10.6%
N/A 10.6%
376 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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On average, how often do you take on a new client?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 31, 2023
Every few months 28.1%
At least once a year 23.5%
I don't know 19.0%
Every 1 - 2 years 18.2%
Other - N/A 11.2%
374 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever suggested a source text for a translation contest?
By Oleksandr Kupriyanchuk - featured on Oct 30, 2023
No 71.3%
I didn't know I could 18.8%
I didn't know there were contests 6.0%
Yes 3.9%
770 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would/did you encourage your child(ren) to become a translator/interpreter?
By Victoria Batarchuk - featured on Oct 23, 2023
No 48.6%
I don't know 20.1%
Yes 18.8%
Other - N/A 12.5%
319 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which of these is the most challenging for you as a freelancer?
By Mohamed Omer - featured on Oct 22, 2023
Finding good new clients 65.0%
Setting suitable rates 10.6%
Managing the business side of things 9.1%
Networking 5.5%
The freelancer lifestyle 5.1%
Acquiring new skills 4.7%
274 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you have your own website as a language professional?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 21, 2023
No 43.2%
Yes 31.6%
No, but I've been thinking about it 19.6%
I used to, but... (please share) 5.7%
424 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which of these would you find the most difficult to work in/at/on? Assume a good internet connection
By anonymous - featured on Oct 20, 2023
A busy café 29.0%
A beach 22.8%
A cubicle in a large office 13.1%
A dog park 12.7%
On the open sea 10.1%
A sensory deprivation chamber 10.0%
A mountainside 2.2%
858 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In your (main) language pair, how do translations done by ChatGPT or similar compare to yours?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 13, 2023
They are terrible 28.6%
Other (please share) 28.3%
They are OK 20.8%
They are pretty good 15.3%
They are getting close to as good as mine 7.0%
385 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of discount are you willing to offer to a client after the initial price proposal?
By Iulia Parvu - featured on Oct 12, 2023
No discount at all - I stand by my rates 50.7%
5% to 10% 15.6%
Other/it depends... (please share) 15.1%
Up to 5% 10.8%
10% to 20% 6.5%
More than 20% 1.4%
418 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When was the last time you had to "fire" a client?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 11, 2023
This year 28.8%
Never 20.7%
I don't remember 17.3%
It's been more than three years 12.6%
Within the last 3 years 12.1%
Last year 8.5%
445 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you offer post editing for AI-generated translations?
By Nicole L. R. - featured on Oct 10, 2023
Yes 44.2%
No 35.3%
Not yet, but I intend to in the future 17.1%
What's that? 3.5%
1096 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often are you asked to assess other people's test translations?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 3, 2023
Only occasionally 57.7%
Never 27.3%
Often 12.3%
All the time 2.7%
553 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you feel more productive now than you were 2-3 years ago?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 1, 2023
Yes, I think so 31.5%
No 27.6%
Yes, for sure 24.5%
I'm not sure 16.4%
330 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you think applications like Google Translate or DeepL steal your intellectual property?
By Thomas Lof - featured on Sep 30, 2023
I don't know/haven't thought about it 32.4%
Yes 29.6%
No 27.3%
It depends on... (please share) 7.9%
Other - N/A 2.8%
429 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you attending's online event for International Translation Day?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 29, 2023
No 47.3%
Yes, at least part of it 27.5%
Yes 13.7%
I didn't know there was one 11.5%
459 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you use machine translation, what is your main reason for doing so?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 28, 2023
It improves my workflow 46.0%
Some clients impose it on me 20.4%
N/A 19.9%
Other (please share) 7.4%
I hate typing 6.4%
705 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which day of the week do you usually get more assignments?
By Natalia Pedrosa - featured on Sep 25, 2023
Other / I don't know / It's too variable 59.0%
Friday 15.1%
Monday 7.1%
Tuesday 6.8%
Wednesday 6.3%
Thursday 4.3%
Sunday 0.9%
Saturday 0.6%
351 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you use social networks to market your services?
By Veronica Rodriguez - featured on Sep 24, 2023
No 70.9%
Yes 25.9%
I used to, but... (please share) 3.1%
320 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In your eperience, which is the best paid field in the transaltion market?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 23, 2023
I don't know 38.1%
Legal 21.0%
Other (please share) 16.0%
Finance 9.5%
Marketing 9.3%
Games 2.9%
E-commerce 2.4%
Media 1.0%
420 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of your work have you outsourced over time?
By Iulia Parvu - featured on Sep 22, 2023
None of it 69.5%
Up to 25% 23.0%
Other 3.6%
25% to 50% 2.5%
50% to 75% 0.8%
All of it 0.4%
Over 75% 0.2%
478 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My feelings about the future of the language services industry are:
By anonymous - featured on Sep 21, 2023
Pessimistic 37.7%
Optimistic 25.0%
Neutral 24.0%
Undecided 13.3%
761 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you certified in any jurisdiction, or more than one?
By Malin Cordisco - featured on Sep 19, 2023
No 68.8%
Certified in one 23.0%
Certified in more than one 5.0%
Not yet, but I am in the process of becoming certified 3.2%
404 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you think translators are made from a different mould than other professionals?
By Natalia Pedrosa - featured on Sep 18, 2023
Somewhat agree 35.9%
Disagree 33.0%
Totally agree 10.9%
Other - N/A 10.6%
Barely agree 9.6%
312 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What would solve your biggest concern at the moment?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 17, 2023
Money 47.6%
Work 12.6%
Health 10.2%
I don't have any concerns at the moment! 8.1%
Time 7.2%
Other (please share) 7.2%
Love 3.0%
Leisure 3.0%
Company 1.2%
334 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you prepared for the current recession?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 16, 2023
What recession? 19.3%
Yes, I have some savings / made investments 15.5%
No, irregular work / unstable income 15.5%
Yes, for both reasons 12.6%
Yes, steady work / stable income 9.9%
No, little savings / no investments 9.2%
No, for both reasons 6.8%
Still adapting, not quite 6.0%
Other 5.3%
414 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The typical or average size of the jobs I do is:
By anonymous - featured on Sep 15, 2023
1,000 - 3,000 words 42.3%
500 - 1,000 words 22.0%
3,000 - 7,000 words 13.6%
500 words or fewer 10.6%
7,000 - 14,000 words 5.9%
14,000 - 20,000 words 2.5%
Greater than 30,000 words 2.5%
20,000 - 30,000 words 0.5%
404 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of your income is currently coming from direct clients?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 14, 2023
None of it 38.9%
Less than 10% 26.8%
11 - 25% 9.3%
26 - 50% 8.0%
All of it 6.0%
51 - 75% 5.5%
76 - 99% 5.5%
452 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The last time I had a non-payment issue with a client was...
By anonymous - featured on Sep 13, 2023
Over 5 years ago 25.1%
This year 24.0%
Never 19.2%
Last year 11.9%
2 - 3 years ago 10.4%
3 - 5 years ago 9.4%
479 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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6149 polls, displaying 451 through 500