Translation glossary: German-English

Showing entries 1-50 of 53
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a.e. entzündlichmost probably of inflammatory origin 
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adaptiert anadjusted to 
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Aktivitätsbelegungactivity distribution 
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Arthrose DD seronegative PCosteoarthritis, differential diagnosis: seronegative rheumatoid arthritis 
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Aufgebot (in this context)invitation to an appointment 
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über den gesamten Verlauf abgrenzbarwell defined (borders) over the entire length 
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ÜLZconduction time, PQ 
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bei eigenem Vertragsrücktrittin case of one's withdrawal from the contract 
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BetreuungsortPoint of care 
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BKBK -> Blutkultur -> blood culture 
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CT-KomponenteCT component 
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DiffusionsstörungenDiffusion impairment 
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eine geringe atemdepressive Wirkungmild respiratory depressant effect/mild respiratory depression 
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Einsatz von SauerstoffAdministration of oxygen 
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Ersatzmaßnahmesubstitute measure 
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Fibulamittemidshaft/middle third of shaft of fibula 
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Fissurektomie bei 6 h SSLlithotomy position, 6 o'clock 
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freihängendfreely suspended 
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habe ich mir die Vorstellung auf der Seele zergehen lassen, dassI imbibed/absorbed the idea ... 
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haben es auf deine Reserve abgesehenhave set their sight(s) (or eyes) on your reserves 
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imponiert das Herz jetzt dilatiertthe heart now appears dilated 
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in den Vordergrund gerückten bildparallelen Tischreihungan arrangement of tables placed in the foreground parallel to the picture plane 
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knöcherner Spinalkanalbony spinal canal 
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KomplementärGeneral Partner 
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KomplementärGeneral Partner 
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Krebszellen die du irgendwo horten wolltest(scattered) cancer cells that you tried to hide somewhere 
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LE=je Sitzungservice unit = per session 
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mäßig reduzierter Allgemein- und adipöser Ernährungszustandmoderately reduced general condition and adipose nutritional status 
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medial betonteaccentuated medially 
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medial betonteaccentuated medially (towards the center) 
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MEL (Operative / intensivmedizinische Massnahmen)individual medical procedure (surgical/intensive care procedures) 
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Neun Patienten (18%) wurden an ihre Opioidvormedikation adaptiert mit MSI intravenös therapiert.Nine patients (18%) were treated with an MSI intravenous dose adjusted to their prior dose of opioid medication. 
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p. A. beklagte Parteic/o the Defendant 
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p. A. beklagte Parteic/o the Defendant 
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pathologische Mutante des Genotyps im FII Genpathological mutation of the genotype in gene FII 
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PatientenempfindenPatient's subjective perception 
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PatientenmeinungPatients' self report 
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Probe PEsample excision / exploratory excision 
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RettungsleitstelleRescue Services headquarters 
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Schlankes Ventrikelsystemnormal-sized ventricular system 
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schubhafte, inkomplett remittierende Encephalitis disseminatarelapsing, incompletely remitting multiple sclerosis 
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Serumglukosespiegelserum glucose level 
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Strukturelle Versorgungsengpässe ausgeglichen werdenIt is possible to make up structural care shortfalls 
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supra- und infratentorielle Marklagerhyperintensitätensupratentorial and infratentorial white matter hyperintensities 
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TG-KäuferTrustor Buyers 
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Therapeutische KonzepteTherapeutic concepts 
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